5 Natural Ways To Treat Period Pain

Period pain. Whether you get mild cramps or pain that sends you to bed cuddling a hot water bottle, it’s not the most pleasant of things to experience every month. Dysmenorrhea, which quite literally means ‘difficult menstruation’ can effect women of all ages, though...

Fertility Problems Linked to O Blood Type

A study out of Yale University and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine has found that women with blood type O are at double the risk of diminished ovarian reserve than women of other blood types. However, one expert on fertility says more research needs to be done...

Dads To Be – Watch Your Alcohol!

A study of 690 Australian families with a child suffering from either acute lymphoblastic leukaemia or childhood brain tumours found men who consumed a moderate amount of spirits – up to seven drinks a week – in the 12 months before conception increased the risk of...

Is Your Phone Making You Infertile?

A new study released by the University of Exeter involving nearly 1500 men showed a clear link between mobile phone use and infertility.  Exposure to environmental factors such as electromagnetic radiation has increased dramatically due to the global rise of mobile...