
Here at Studio You, one of our core philosophies is Exceptional Client Education. To ensure education opportunities are as accessible as possible, we run a series of 30 minute workshops called Power 30s, or P30s.

We acknowledge that your time is precious and in high demand, you don’t have time to luxuriate for 2 hours at a workshop! Instead, we take a deep dive on a topic, distil all the research, then provide you with perfect sound bites and takeaway action points. 

Currently, every attendee to our P30 events will receive a free yoga class voucher from our friends at Egg Of The Universe – thanks EOTU!!

Spaces fill quickly and we strongly encourage you to reserve your place in advance by calling 9216 7600. You are very welcome to invite your favourite friends or family to our P30s which are run Thursdays 6.30pm. Spaces are limited to 15.

Book your P30 now by clicking the button below and navigating to the Group Sessions tab.

Our current schedule is:

2nd March – How to Boost Your Child’s Immunity with Natural & Effective Remedies

16th March – Ladies Get Your Mojo Back!

30th March – Gut Health 101

6th April – How to Avoid the Parenting Guilt Trap with special guest, Sharon Cullington from ACEkids

13th April – Heroes and Villains of Adrenal Health

27th April – How to Balance your Blood Sugar Levels

4th May – Part 1 of our Sleep Series, Introduction to Sleepfor Adults and Adolescents with special guest Cheryl Fingleson, the Sleep Coach

11th May – Part 2 of our Sleep Series, Understand Sleep for Babies (0-2yrs) with special guest Cheryl Fingleson, the Sleep Coach

18th May – Part 3 of our Sleep Series, Toddler and Preschool Sleep, with special guest Cheryl Fingleson, the Sleep Coach

8th June – Immune Support, how to stay Infection free this Winter

15th June – When to Bring Your Child to the Emergency Room with special guest, CPR Kids

27th July – Thyroid issues, the silent epidemic

3rd August – Dietary Protein: What, When and How Much?

19th October – What you need to know about IBS and SIBO