the Mojo Boosting CHallenge
Fill Your ENERGY cup up every day
By Emma & the Girls at Studio You
Our modern diet is nutrient poor and calorie rich. Emotional & physical stress, lack of exercise, excessive alcohol, larger portions, toxin exposure, and negative thinking all take their toll and it’s no wonder we emerge from the daily battlefield feeling utterly fatigued and exhausted.
Here at Studio You, we believe the foods you eat will either enhance your Mojo or debilitate your Mojo. We like to focus on consuming Mojo boosting foods at every opportunity as we know they will increase our cellular nutrition, optimise our ability to make energy and prevent niggling health issues like pain and inflammation.
Which is why we created Mojo Boosting Challenge, 2-weeks of FREE email support containing tips, downloads, quizzes and more to get you bouncing out of bed in the mornings filled with energy and vitality.
- 2-weeks of support emails containing our top 5 mojo boosting tips to help bounce out of bed in the mornings filled with energy and vitality.
- downloadable Mojo Boosting Foods Guide for you to print out and put on your fridge as a reminder of what to enjoy what to avoid to build and maintain your mojo.
- stress tests to help you identify mental energy zaps
- our top 5 adaptogen herbs to support your stress response