by Emma Sutherland | May 18, 2023 | Emma Sutherland, hormone health
After attending a seminar on Female Hormonal Disorders I delved into the current research into plastics and the chemicals found in them. The World Health Organisation calls them endocrine-disrupting chemicals and in 2012 stated “disease risk from EDC’s may be...
by Emma Sutherland | May 18, 2023 | Exhausted Mums, Get your Mojo back!
Hacks for hitting the hay and slipping into a sound sleep It seems that chronic pain and sleep problems go hand-in-hand. When you have a night of little or poor sleep, you’re likely to feel more sensitive to pain the following day. Lack of sleep reduces your pain...
by Jenna Verhoeven | May 5, 2023 | Get your Mojo back!
It’s early. The sun is just starting to show its face. There is a crispness to the air as you set out at a brisk pace. In the twilight, you can’t see clearly where you are walking. You step on a twig; the sound of it snapping in half causes you to pause, in this pause...
by Natasha Dunn | Apr 2, 2023 | Natasha Dunn, Nutrition
Did you know some of the main ingredients in most of your pantry foods and refrigerated sauces contain sugar? Usually sugar is added to foods in the forms of simple sugars such as glucose, fructose or sucrose, but often the manufacture will disguise the amount of...
by Emma Sutherland | Mar 30, 2023 | Emma Sutherland, hormone health
The Precision Analytical Dutch hormone test has an adrenal component, a sex hormone component, or a combination. Here I’m referring to the adrenal component. This is a test for HPA-D, which stands for hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis dysfunction. In order to get...